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George Bakurdjiev (1899 - 1972)
"Оранжева риба"
Size: 19 x 20 x 6 cm
Initial price: 650 BGN
Not sold
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Boris Stefchev (1894 - 1983)
"Морски пейзаж"
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 31 x 56 cm
Initial price: 600 BGN
Not sold
Preslav Kurshovski (1905 - 2003)
Material / Techique: Pastel
Size: 32 x 48 cm
Initial price: 600 BGN
Not sold
Lica Yanco (1932-2001)
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 12 x 10 cm
Initial price: 600 BGN
Not sold
датирана 1995г.
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Nikola Kazakov (1935 - 2007)
"Голо тяло"
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 33 x 10 cm
Initial price: 600 BGN
Sold: 750 BGN
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Ivan Dimitrov Nikolov
"Село Черепиш-Врачанско"
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 25 x 34 cm
Initial price: 500 BGN
Not sold
Stanyo Stamatov (1886-1963)
"От българските редици"
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 27 x 20 cm
Initial price: 500 BGN
Not sold
неподписана, монографирана
Artwork details
Kiril Mateev (1920-2006)
"Едно бижу"
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 20 x 30 cm
Initial price: 500 BGN
Sold: 500 BGN
датирана 1990г.
Artwork details
Hristo Kavarnaliev (1892-1951)
"Нощно море"
Material / Techique: Gwash
Size: 26 x 29 cm
Initial price: 500 BGN
Not sold
Hrant Ananian
"Бурно море"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 36 x 56 cm
Initial price: 500 BGN
Not sold
датирана 1935г.
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