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Sider Sedefchev
Size: 52 x 52 cm
Period: 1993
Initial price: 1170 BGN
Not sold
ак. б., платно оригинална цена - 600 евро
Artwork details
Hristo Yotov (1951)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 65 x 70 cm
Period: 2008
Initial price: 1170 BGN
Sold: 1268 BGN
оригинална цена - 600 евро, продадена за 650 евро.
Artwork details
Ivan ?
Material / Techique: На, На
Size: 53 x 70 cm
Period: 1968
Initial price: 1170 BGN
Not sold
оригинална цена - 600 евро
Artwork details
Svetoslav (Slav) Nedev
A look into the night
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 62 x 52 cm
Initial price: 975 BGN
Not sold
оригинална цена - 500 евро
Artwork details
Svetoslav (Slav) Nedev
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 65 x 45 cm
Initial price: 1170 BGN
Not sold
оригинална цена - 600 евро
Artwork details
Valko Gaidarov (1937)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 46 x 55 cm
Initial price: 936 BGN
Not sold
оригинална цена - 480 евро
Artwork details
Constantin Tringov (1907-1981)
Пейзаж от Мелник
Material / Techique: Oil painting
Size: 57 x 81 cm
Initial price: 3510 BGN
Not sold
дърволит оригинална цена - 1800 евро
Artwork details
Stoyan Vassilev (1904-1977)
Празникът на Св. Св. Кирил и Методий
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 66 x 124 cm
Initial price: 2340 BGN
Not sold
оригинална цена - 1200 евро
Artwork details
Kiril Maiski (1926)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 81 x 100 cm
Period: 1985
Initial price: 1950 BGN
Not sold
оригинална цена - 1000 евро
Artwork details
Angel Atanasov (1921)
Край Созопол
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 60 x 70 cm
Period: 1994
Initial price: 1170 BGN
Not sold
оригинална цена - 600 евро
Artwork details
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