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Georgi Popivanov (1925-1999)
"Натюрмот с риба"
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 27 x 36 cm
Initial price: 320 BGN
Sold: 300 BGN
Vadim Lazarkevich (1895 - 1963)
"Умното юначе"
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 13 x 17 cm
Initial price: 320 BGN
Not sold
Sasho Rachev (1927 - 2007)
"Пейзаж от Русе"
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 38 x 28 cm
Initial price: 320 BGN
Sold: 320 BGN
Preslav Kurshovski (1905 - 2003)
"Пейзаж от Полша"
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 30 x 21 cm
Initial price: 300 BGN
Sold: 270 BGN
Preslav Kurshovski (1905 - 2003)
"Краков- катедралата"
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 27 x 24 cm
Initial price: 300 BGN
Sold: 300 BGN
Kiril Buyuclijski (1903-1968)
"Шарж на мъж"
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 60 x 42 cm
Period: 1928
Initial price: 290 BGN
Sold: 290 BGN
George Bogdanov (1910-1974)
"Автопортрет с колега"
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 24 x 16 cm
Period: 1930
Initial price: 280 BGN
Sold: 300 BGN
Sami Bijerano (1920 - 2007)
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 39 x 35 cm
Initial price: 280 BGN
Not sold
Petar Boyadjiev (1907-1963)
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 30 x 19 cm
Initial price: 260 BGN
Sold: 260 BGN
Tsanko Panov (1950 - 2003)
Material / Techique: Pastel
Size: 20 x 30 cm
Initial price: 250 BGN
Sold: 300 BGN
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