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Todorka Burova (1902-1985)
"Натюрмот с бои и плодове"
Material / Techique: Gwash
Size: 45 x 60 cm
Initial price: 520 BGN
Sold: 550 BGN
Todorka Burova (1902-1985)
"Момиче с ябълка"
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 75 x 60 cm
Initial price: 2600 BGN
Sold: 2340 BGN
Vadim Lazarkevich (1895 - 1963)
"Умното юначе"
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 13 x 17 cm
Initial price: 320 BGN
Not sold
Georgi Karakashev (1899-1970)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 43 x 68 cm
Initial price: 1300 BGN
Not sold
Georgi Karakashev (1899-1970)
"Харманите в Созопол"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 46 x 68 cm
Initial price: 1300 BGN
Sold: 1300 BGN
Ivan Georgiev - Rembrand (1938-1994)
"Момиче в розово"
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 18 x 28 cm
Initial price: 520 BGN
Sold: 520 BGN
Ivan Georgiev - Rembrand (1938-1994)
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 28 x 23 cm
Initial price: 520 BGN
Sold: 500 BGN
Dimitar Kazakov - Neron (1933-1992)
"Портрет на жена"
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 31 x 35 cm
Initial price: 780 BGN
Sold: 780 BGN
Dimitar Kazakov - Neron (1933-1992)
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 70 x 80 cm
Initial price: 2600 BGN
Not sold
Marko Markov (1889-1966)
"Портрет на Николай Райнов"
Material / Techique: /plaster/
Size: 28 x 19 x 28 cm
Initial price: 2600 BGN
Sold: 3500 BGN
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