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Preslav Kurshovski (1905 - 2003)
Атина - Акропола
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 28 x 36 cm
Initial price: 900 BGN
Sold: 1100 BGN
Nikola Chehlarov (1876 - 1954)
Велико Търново
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 36 x 25 cm
Period: 1933
Initial price: 700 BGN
Sold: 1200 BGN
Nikola Zlatev (1907-1989)
Към саите
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 49 x 62 cm
Period: 1941
Initial price: 1800 BGN
Sold: 3800 BGN
Vladimir Manski (1914-1982)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 50 x 70 cm
Initial price: 1300 BGN
Sold: 2100 BGN
Boris Stefchev (1894 - 1983)
Бурно море
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 67 x 91 cm
Initial price: 2200 BGN
Sold: 2200 BGN
Artwork details
Boris Stefchev (1894 - 1983)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 15 x 24 cm
Period: 1949
Initial price: 500 BGN
Sold: 1300 BGN
Nikola Valtchev (1897 - 1984)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 58 x 68 cm
Period: 1942
Initial price: 2800 BGN
Not sold
Ilya Petrov (1903-1975)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 34 x 45 cm
Period: 1954
Initial price: 6800 BGN
Sold: 8000 BGN
Tihomir Kodjamanov (1892-1975)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 35 x 48 cm
Period: 1937
Initial price: 500 BGN
Not sold
Denjo Chokanov (1901 - 1982)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 45 x 55 cm
Period: 1942
Initial price: 1800 BGN
Sold: 3600 BGN
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