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Unknown author
Света Богородица с Младенеца
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 38 x 28 cm
Initial price: 50 BGN
Sold: 60 BGN
Vladimir Dimitrov - Majstora (1882-1960)
Профил на момиче
Material / Techique: Pencil, Na
Size: 12 x 10 cm
Initial price: 60 BGN
Sold: 300 BGN
Ivan Petrov (1909 - 1991)
На чардака
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 59 x 46 cm
Initial price: 100 BGN
Sold: 350 BGN
Artwork details
Vladimir Dimitrov - Majstora (1882-1960)
Material / Techique: Pencil, Na
Size: 29 x 19 cm
Initial price: 80 BGN
Sold: 400 BGN
Alexander Bozhinov (1878-1968)
Гостенка от Варна
Material / Techique: Na
Size: 25 x 31 cm
Period: 1948
Initial price: 50 BGN
Sold: 250 BGN
George Bogdanov (1910-1974)
Material / Techique: Na
Size: 12 x 11 cm
Period: 1933
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 160 BGN
Vania Decheva (1926-)
Родопски пейзаж
Size: 44 x 52 cm
Period: 1963
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 250 BGN
Artwork details
Ivan Manev (1887-1925)
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 21 x 15 cm
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 100 BGN
Olga Valnarova (1918)
Material / Techique: Гравюра на дърво
Size: 25 x 19 cm
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 80 BGN
Anna Kramer- Behar (1889-1976)
Material / Techique: Na
Size: 12 x 17 cm
Period: 1930
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 450 BGN
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