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Jaroslav Veshin (1860-1915)
"Военен портрет"
Material / Techique: Pencil
Size: 16 x 11 cm
Period: 1897
Initial price: 5100 BGN
Sold: 5100 BGN
Jeko Spiridonov (1867-1945)
"Портрет на Мистър Сенко"
Material / Techique: Bronze
Size: 36 x 20 x 25 cm
Initial price: 1950 BGN
Not sold
Kiril Buyuclijski (1903-1968)
"Шарж на мъж"
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 60 x 42 cm
Period: 1928
Initial price: 290 BGN
Sold: 290 BGN
Kostadinka Cvetkova (1929-2006)
"Лодки в Созопол"
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 24 x 34 cm
Initial price: 680 BGN
Not sold
Lica Yanco (1932-2001)
"Голо женско тяло"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 80 x 60 cm
Initial price: 2250 BGN
Sold: 2250 BGN
Lica Yanco (1932-2001)
"Пейзаж от Родопите"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 49 x 70 cm
Initial price: 3100 BGN
Sold: 2760 BGN
Lica Yanco (1932-2001)
"Пейзаж от Карланово"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 35 x 50 cm
Initial price: 1950 BGN
Sold: 1950 BGN
Lubomir Jordanov (1934 )
"Боянската църква"
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 22 x 17 cm
Initial price: 200 BGN
Sold: 100 BGN
Marc Chagall (1887-1985)
"Ange du Paradis"
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 36 x 26 cm
Period: 1956
Initial price: 2400 BGN
Sold: 2400 BGN
Marko Markov (1889-1966)
"Портрет на Николай Райнов"
Material / Techique: /plaster/
Size: 28 x 19 x 28 cm
Initial price: 2600 BGN
Sold: 3500 BGN
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